Share the Gift of Music


On the first Saturday of each month, Orion Music Studio is pairing with Lake Orion Nursing and Rehabilitation to give students a chance to share their love of music with the community.

Students interested in performing please fill in the form for the month you would like to perform.

WHERE: McClaren Lake Orion Nursing and Rehabilitation, 585 East Flint Street, Lake Orion, MI 48362

WHEN: First Saturday, of each month at 2:30pm

ARRIVAL: Students should arrive at 2p to set up. Performances will start at 2:30. 

PERFORMANCE DETAILS: Students should prepare 1-4 songs to perform on the small stage at the nursing home. Students should dress nicely. If a student needs to sing/perform to a backing track please contact instructor Jennie Knaggs 48 hours in advance to make arrangements. 

Any questions please text instructor Jennie Knaggs at 517-420-0211.